Kof Mugen The Best Orochi

Kudajadriyil kudachooduma female song download. Jun 26, 2013  The Mugen Fighters Guild. KOF: Orochi K' by MKJ (Read 22223 times) Started by MKJ, June 21, 2013, 06:09:17 am. Email this topic View printable version. Share this topic: « previous next. Apr 07, 2013  Exactly like this k Preview ( Add The Picture of the character/stage ect your posting) Download (Add The Download Links to said character,stage or what have u.if its an creation thats online still as in its creator has a website that u can Download off of then add the link to that K, but if it dosnt then a mediafire/sendspace/4shared or 2shared link is completely fine.try to avoid at.

Orochi KOF97unknown
Actually, the only french that can hook up with MRev. And the only french who can produce good stuff for Mugen. Sad but true. Both Faye & Ironmugen cannot do a decent character, unlike him.
Orochi (also known as Buttr0x on some IRC channels) hates most (but not all) Brazilian characters because they SUPER SUCK ! :buttrox And specially a random faggot named JaguarHX who tried to tone down Clark with SUP STUPID IDEAS, the only character Orochi released.
He also hates idiots, jobbers, and people who think they are better than what they can do (50 % of the mugen community).
by Orochi KOF97 October 22, 2003
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Orochi KOF97unknown
Good KOF character maker. Too bad he is a complete lazy bum.
Clark92i, K9999 92i, Shermie 92i are among the best KOF creations.
Kof Mugen The Best Orochi
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Orochi KOF97unknown
You're a fucking Orochi KOF97 ! (i.e you hate Brazil)
Get a Orochi KOF97 mug for your mate Callisto.

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